FIM PhD programme is designed for graduates to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of knowledge in Business and Administration field by utilizing higher order thinking skills to solve problems (Cognitive).
  • Competent in a wide range of tools and techniques to provide solutions for the advancement of knowledge (Psychomotor).
  • Manage knowledge in pursuing lifelong learning and in adhering to effective professional codes of practices (Affective).

In the end, graduates are able to:

  • Synthesize literature in business
  • Recognise and validate problems
  • Conduct original research independently
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities by communicating and working effectively.
  • Practice ethical principles when conducting research
  • Interpret research findings and recommend solutions for fundamental research and societal impact
  • Demonstrate mastery of qualitative and quantitative research skills
  • Recognise the needs for lifelong learning for scholarly development.

The application is throughout the year. We have a diverse pool of supervisors you can choose from.


Program Info

  • If you are studying full-time, you are expected to complete the award in 36 months. The minimum period to receive this is award is 24 months and the maximum is 72 months. However, international candidates may only register as full-time students.
  • If you are studying part-time, you are expected to complete the award in 48 months. The minimum period to receive this award on a part-time basis is 36 months and the maximum is 96 months.

Yes, namely:

EPF Education Withdrawal Scheme (

  • The withdrawal allows you to withdraw your savings from Account 2 to finance your education. You are eligible to apply if you fulfill the following requirements:
    1. A Malaysian citizen or
    2. A Permanent Residence or
    3. A Non-Malaysian citizen (Expatriate) who became a member of the EPF before 1st August 1998.
  • You may apply for this withdrawal scheme to cover the programme fees for every semester or one academic year (one-time withdrawal in an academic year).

Dermasa Siswaza Bagi Melanjutkan Pelajaran Zakat Kedah (

Pinjaman Pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang (

Pinjaman & Biasiswa Negeri Selangor (

Pinjaman Yayasan Kelantan (

Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (

The PTPTN Education Loan (

Doctoral Research Scheme (DRS) (

Grants offered by potential supervisors.

For more information

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Lee Chia Kuang
Deputy Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies)

 Faculty of Industrial Management

Tel: +609-431 5335
