A program that develops your full potential

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of the University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) has been fully accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) since 2015. The objective of the program is to develop competent management professionals and leaders. By fulfilling the above objective it intended to bridge the skill requirement gap in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence.

Our MBA program is one among the few programs in Malaysia to be accredited by ABEST 21 (Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow) and the curriculum includes business analytical elements, business, and engineering combination, ethics, governance, and real-life problem-solving.

The program is offered in two modes of study, full-time and part-time. With these two modes of study, working students have the flexibility to continue their studies on a part-time basis.

Uniqueness of the Program

Our MBA program offers 10 core courses, two research project courses that provide an opportunity to solve industrial case study or conduct academic research. In addition, students are required to choose three elective courses either Technology Management, Engineering Management, and Business Engineering.

Teaching & Learning

In this program, students will be exposed to technology in teaching such as Global Classroom where students will have an opportunity to gain knowledge from lecturers of our partner universities in other countries. In addition, students are also exposed to pedagogical assistance through the Knowledge & Learning Management System (KALAM), UMP Academic Tagyard, and MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).

University Collaboration Partners

To enhance students' knowledge and competency, our global academic partners can provide different exposure through case studies from other countries. The partners of our MBA program are Andalas University (Indonesia), Binus University (Indonesia), Telkom University (Indonesia), Amasya University (Turkey), Hochschule Reutlingen University (Germany), and GRG School of Management Studies (India).

Good reception from UMP Administrative Staff

To enhance the competency of UMP administrative staff, Special Management & Professional (Administrative) Talent Program was introduced and 13 administrative staff enrolled during September 2019/2020 intake. The main objective of this initiative is to improve the quality of university services and administration, as well as to keep pace with the global developments

For more information on our Master of Business Administration program, please visit https://ips.umpsa.edu.my or contact the Head of Program (Masters & Knowledge Development), Dr. Noraina Mazuin binti Sapuan at 09-431 5300 or email mba@umpsa.edu.my 


To nurture future innovative leaders through applying business and technological knowledge.


Integrates theory, real-world practice, and personal experience to graduate competent learners who can improve business and management practices sustainably.


1 (PEO1-Leadership and managerial competencies) Acquire leadership and managerial competencies to improve business and management practices sustainably
(leadership & managerial competencies)

2 (PEO2-Theory and practice application) Transfer knowledge and skills gained from classroom to workplace and vice versa
(theory-practice application)

3 (PEO3-Career development) Graduates achieve their career aspirations through the specialization areas
(career development)

4 (PEO4-Problem Solving) Graduates are able to solve industrial problem at their workplace
(problem solving)
